Long Overdue Update

Q1: What happened to the main website for Mountain Storm Instruments LLC ?

The main web page for the biz. was running an older copy of Joomla 2.x. I needed to migrate it to 3.x because PHP was getting upgraded on the website from 5.x to 7.x. I failed to do this before the upgrade happened because I’ve been very busy dealing with ton of other things. So now I can’t see a path to migrate to 3.x. The 2.x would not run, so I just switched the website to the blog for now.

So until I figure out if I am going with Joomla 3.x or WordPress for the main site and what I am going to put on it, the blog will have to do.

Q2: What’s going on with Mountain Storm Instruments ?

This is a much harder question to answer. Over the last several years I’ve created and tried to sell several SmartDAQ platforms with better technology, easier to use s/w, and better marketing, but closing on sales proved elusive. A major problem I ran into was US ITAR (International Traffic Arms Regulations). The US has many outdated restrictions on technology sales and although there was a few interested foreign research institutes in the products I didn’t have any money left to spend on figuring out how to get through US export controls and foreign import controls and regulations for electronics equipment.

I’ve been focusing learning and biz. ideas in the areas of software defined radio and AI/ML. It’s been a lot of learning and I’ve spent a bit on money on a few ideas that proved not work so well for one reason or another. I’ve spent about 2 yrs. trying to develop a good biz. model that can work with the limited resources I have.

I’ve been working on FMC RF ADC cards and FPGA IP cores as the basis to build more complete systems on down the road targeting R&D markets with the goal of eventually selling complete RADAR and RF sensing systems with integrated AI/ML.

So not quite dead yet…