Update: Summer 2022

So what is MSI LLC up to these days ? Basically working on a plan that involves selling software and FPGA IP cores until the chip shortage resolves. Several new and current FPGA based DAQ products had to be put aside due to the lack of availability of FPGA developer boards and modules. The shortage… Continue reading Update: Summer 2022

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Long Overdue Update

Q1: What happened to the main website for Mountain Storm Instruments LLC ? The main web page for the biz. was running an older copy of Joomla 2.x. I needed to migrate it to 3.x because PHP was getting upgraded on the website from 5.x to 7.x. I failed to do this before the upgrade… Continue reading Long Overdue Update

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MicroZed Carrier Boards coming soon.

Some exciting news here at Mountain Storm folks. We’ve partnered with Red Mountain Radio and are developing a new SDR radio receiver. Stay tuned for updates.

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uCDAQ Flexible sensor platforms almost ready!

Both the uCDAQ 1000 and 3000 platforms have made it through initial hardware checkout and are fully functional.  Currently demo applications are under development for wired and wireless sensor demos and data logger applications.  Peripheral libraries for GPS and WiFi modules are nearing completion.  Goal is to have Rev. B boards (mfgr. ready) done by… Continue reading uCDAQ Flexible sensor platforms almost ready!

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